I Need a Credit Card That’s Got No Limit

The fact that life is hard for us is understandable, especially when a person has two desires—the body demands money, honor, physical pleasures, science, on one hand. On the other hand, we have a point in the heart that demands the recognition of Godliness, of spirituality. And it’s as if a person is torn between these two contradictory desires.

Every person has to fulfill their whole potential, including the spiritual, especially where he currently works, as long as it’s a legal trade. Meaning, we are in this world to use this world. We know that Kabbalists have to be married, have children, and have to work and be connected to this world in every way. By that, we correct the world. By that, we influence the world, we help the world reach its correction.


Courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmeUuoxyt_E