Annihilation Will be Unavoidable, Every Broken Enemy Will Know

There are two paths to reveal the perfection: the path of Torah and the path of pain. Hence, the Creator eventuated and gave humanity the technology, until they have invented the atom and the hydrogen bombs.

If the total ruin that they are destined to bring is still not evident to the world, then they can wait for a third world war, or a fourth one and son on. The bombs will do their thing and the relics after the ruin will have no other choice but to take upon themselves this work, “that both the individual and the nation will not work for themselves more than is necessarily needed for their sustenance, and everything else they will do for the good of others.” If all the nations of the world agree to that, then wars will no longer be in the world, for no person will be concerned with his own good whatsoever, but only with the good of others.


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