Corporate Greed Has No Boundaries

toyoda  Akio Toyoda, Toyota’s chief executive, was accused of placing profit ahead of safety and of being "safety deaf" during a series of exchanges with senior US politicians.

Mr. Toyoda, appearing before an all-day hearing of a Congressional inquiry into the company’s over-acceleration problems, was also accused of not showing nearly enough remorse over the deaths of the 39 people linked to those problems.

According to kabbalists, greed – is not a defect, but an attribute of the body. A hormone called oxytocin is responsible for expressions of generosity – discovered American biochemists.

In order to prove this hypothesis, the scientists carried out an experiment: the first group of volunteers were given oxytocin, the second – a placebo. Then, all the participants were offered to help a stranger in need. Those who took the pill gave the stranger 80% more money than the others.

So, altruism shifted from a moral category to a hormonal one. And as it seems, the pill for greed will soon be available in pharmacies.

Would you like to participate in that project, Mr. Toyoda?

Egoism and Its Manifestations