We who live in our modern society, or generally, in society during all incarnations to date—in all places, man is at war with his environment. It is a war where there are laws—but in every war there are laws. Those who have been through wars know that there is some agreement; “I do not touch this, you do not touch that, if you do this, I will do that…” So then, people understand how much it is worthwhile or not worthwhile to get into conflict. It is the same here in this society. Meaning, it is not society in the sense of bonding, but it is an environment, a hostile environment that I want to use for my own pleasure, and it wants to take from me as much as it can, without regarding me, and that is the truth of the matter.
Courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-Dd0VN9zm4