In the Light of a Golden Calf, Oh God! I Had to Laugh!

When a person realizes that he exists in a dark, dead world and anxiously tries to get out of it with all of his might and desires, he is born into the new, spiritual world, much like a fetus whose level of development does not allow him to stay in the mother’s womb any longer. But if a pregnancy (sensation of being under Egyptian slavery of egoism) results in a premature birth, that is, one is not matured enough, has not acquired altruistic properties for independent existence in the new world, it is considered that he is still-born.

In this case, a person is forced to continue this struggle with egoistical desires (Golden Calf worship). Passing the states of realization of Egyptian slavery and finally realizing the need to come under the power of altruistic forces, one is still not fully prepared to assume altruistic properties. Despite being given the altruistic powers from above, one is still not capable to take them on.


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