Got Every Right to Wanna Leave Got Every Right to Wanna Go

Wherever there is a conflict between the majority and an individual, we must take a decision in accordance with the majority’s will. However, this law causes mankind’s regression, since masses are in retrograde, while the most developed are always a minority. Nevertheless, since nature placed us in a society, we are obliged to observe all social laws, otherwise nature will punish us, regardless of whether we understand its laws or not. Hence, the law of communal living is considered one of nature’s laws and we must observe it with great caution.

This law must develop realization of: self-love as evil and love for others as good, because this is the only way to loving the Creator. However, the majority has no right to suppress an individual’s opinion in his relations with the Creator, and everyone is free to do what he believes to be right. This is what his personal freedom is all about, i.e. man’s relations with the Creator are regulated by himself, whereas other laws of behavior are dictated by the rule “follow the majority”.


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