There is no other way to develop the desire for the spiritual, to personally take part in fulfilling the goal of creation, and to shorten the natural path of achieving this goal, other than studying in a group under the direction of a teacher. Only the light that begins to shine can help change the egoistic properties (being the only obstacle on the spiritual path) into altruistic properties.
The Light changes our desire to receive into the desire to bestow and takes us past the Barrier (Machsom). We say that we do not want anything from the material world and that we want only the spiritual. If we knew that going through the Machsom means changing the intention with regard to who and what we think and worry about, we would run away. To continue, we now enter the territory above the Machsom where we encounter an ocean of light. This is the light of the Creator, which shines on us to the degree that our exaltation of the Creator is greater than our egoistic desire. This gives us the opportunity to gradually acquire the property of the light itself, or to bestow.
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