Enjoy Life by Wearing Purple

We all want to enjoy life, but find our enjoyments to be short lived. Can we attain a sensation for a new kind of enjoyment, one that doesn’t fade away, but that constantly increases? We all want to receive pleasure. If we are talking about matter as being desire and desire is something raw, meaning it’s formless, then it’s just a desire. This desire needs take upon itself some impression. Sometimes it happens that you feel a desire something.

What exactly do you want? Something, to enjoy life: To enjoy what though? What does life mean? What’s pleasure? Maybe if I sit for five hours with my rod in the sea and fish, regardless of how many fish caught, that would be enjoying life. Someone else may explode from this form. For him, to enjoy life is to drive fast and such crazy stuff. So there’s the desire to enjoy and there’s the way by which to enjoy.
