You can see how our attributes collide and fight one another – not only between people, but within each and every individual there are the attributes which dominate him all at once or one at a time, and they fight within him until there is no room for the right mind to organize them and bring them to one complete consent. And the truth is that the root of this whole disorder within us is no more than the attribute of singularity that is within each and every one of us whether it is more or less.
It comes from a sublime reason that that attribute extends to us directly from the Creator, who is single in the world, and the root of all creations, still out of the sensation of singularity, when it sits within our narrow egoism, its action becomes ruin and destruction and the source of all the ruins that were and will be in the world. And indeed there is not a single person in the world who is free from it, and all the divisions are only in the way it is used, whether for the desires of the heart, or for rule, or for honor – that by that, people are different to one another. But the equal side in all the people of the world is that each and every one of us stands ready to abuse and exploit all the people for his own private benefit with every means possible, without taking into consideration that he is going to build himself through the ruin of his friend.