Dream Sweet as the American Dream

Whenever a new desire comes along, we believe that this one would surely fulfill our wishes. We are hopeful as long as we keep dreaming; and where there is hope, there is life, even without actually fulfilling those dreams. But our desires grow. They have become increasingly hard to satisfy with unfulfilled dreams. In other words, a person clearly sees that in exchange for something, or through making a certain effort, he could get what he wants. If, however, his dream was unrealistic, he preferred to forget about it, because the body (will to receive) does not wish to suffer and eliminates it from its field of vision, as it is written: “Man of the common people will not seek King’s daughter’s hand.”

When we can’t diminish our desires, we have no choice but to look for a way to satisfy them. In that state, we either abandon the old ways, or somehow combine them with a new way of searching.