And Let Me Go Back to Sleep

The connection that people wish to create between body and soul give rise to all sorts of problems. In essence, this is the greatest confusion. “If a person is without arm—this is a sign that he has some defect in this soul” and so on—various similar nonsense. This is called idol worshiping, whereby people think that the soul dresses the body. There is an erroneous belief that if the body lacks some organ, then it is missing in the soul as well. But then it follows that if the body dies completely, then the soul is dead as well?

Stop connecting one with the other in any way. The soul exists absolutely separately, and this is exactly what I’m taking care of, where I want to live and to ascend with it. Meanwhile, the body exists separately. It has to be washed, put into the bed to sleep, give it food. When it is alive, let it live. The body then finishes its life, very good, meanwhile, we continue living in the soul.

Stop identifying yourself with the body. A person must identify with the soul, with the eternal part, and then he will perceive eternity.


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