We do not see the consequences of our steps because they also go to the upper world. We are like the blind kittens, in the middle of a chain who have no idea where the beginning and end are. Because of this, we cannot learn from our own actions without seeing their results. And we usually act completely senselessly from the perspective of the perfection of eternal life…
In order to lead a man out of this condition, there is very clear scientific methodology, with an extensive mathematical and logical set of instruments. It is called Kabbalah and with its help, a man can start feeling the upper world, where all events begin that later on descend upon us, and the results of our actions go back there as well. A comprehension of this upper world is the very salvation of man. The only thing we do not have is the ability to see the entire universe in its true form.
Courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo-9r04_R-Y