Screaming into Empty Space

The silence of the Creator in reply to human pleas can be explained by the fact that people are much more concerned with their own progress than with glorifying the Creator. Thus, their tears are empty, and they leave this world just as they have entered it with nothing. The end of every animal is eradication, and those people who have not perceived the Creator, are as animals. On the other hand, if one concerns oneself with glorifying the Creator, He will reveal Himself to that person.

If the Creator in fact exists and if He generates all the circumstances that affect our lives, then there is nothing more rational than to maintain a close contact with Him, as close as possible. However, if we tried hard and actually succeeded in achieving this realization, then, since the Creator is concealed from our perception, we would feel as if we were suspended in the air, without any support. For without seeing, or feeling, or hearing, or receiving some sensory input, in a way, we are engaged in a one-way effort; we scream into empty space.