Offloading Your Memories

The desires cause me to see a different world each moment. But how do I see this world? I see it over my will to receive. It’s as if I have a screen inside of me and on that screen there are 613 sensors. They work in such a way that they grasp from whatever is before me, they perceive whatever is convenient for them to perceive, of which they can enjoy. What can give them pleasure?

I have 613 such sensors, and I perceive the image of the world already in my ego. It is imprinted on my ego. So it turns out that the world outside of me is not an objective world, but it is how I perceive it in my ego. It is all based on the different things that awaken in me time and again, like my sensations, my mood, my memories, but all in all, I always see the world according to my ego. And that is called egoism.