What Are The Threads That Bind Us Together?

What kind of threads bind us together and through them allow us to feel the other person? In fact, there are no strings! We are one body in which there is no difference between us. This seeming division is only an illusion, a picture that our ego draws to us.

Selfishness – this is not an independent force. This is a reverse imprint of the properties of the Creator.  His property of unity in its opposite form is placed as an obstacle between us. We need to fix that on our own just to achieve unity.
It is if the Creator took a piece of dough and, like the confectioner who holds a cookie cutter, divided the dough into pieces. If we eliminate this division, we will reach the unity and in doing so, we reach the Creator, and attain His property: «One Singularity». We can comprehend this from its opposite – a lack of association.

Therefore, we must understand that selfishness holds all the properties, concepts, order of disclosure, for which we actually can comprehend unity. Selfishness leads us precisely to the disclosure of unity. This is the power of the Creator, who deliberately puts obstacles before us, as if giving a child or an adult exercises, because they are in need of learning something.

Therefore, there is no need to think that the ego separates us into different parts, as the dough – for our disadvantage. It is precisely through it that we can understand what unity means. If we would have remained one whole piece of dough in the world of infinity, we could not understand anything.

But here I begin to reveal that my selfishness cuts the invisible threads that connect me with others. If I deny the ego, then I restore this connection. It is as if the doctor comes and sews a ripped limb back onto the body, and then this part again begins to feel what the whole body feels.

This post is  translated from an article found at  http://bit.ly/ljfHG