Next Octopus The Oracle Lives in Cuba, Can’t Be

fidelFidel Castro with his Kremlin friend Nikita Khrushchev have pulled the world on the brink of the nuclear war back the sixties. Castro reemerged out of nowhere and predicts that The Big Nuclear is coming. Hopefully, Fidel can’t compete with another successful fortunetellers, like eight-legs Paul the Octopus, which creepy movements brought the winning streak of 8 predicted soccer games recently.

According to kabbalists, the Creator granted man technology, until they discovered the atom bomb. If the future destruction is still unclear to the world, let them wait for a third world war. Those remaining after the ruin will have no choice but to assume the conduct that individuals and nations will not work for themselves more than is necessary for their existence, and dedicate the rest of their actions to the benefit of others.

And if all the nations of the world agree to that, there will be no wars in the world, since all the people will not care for their own benefit, but for the benefit of their fellow persons.

The Solution – Excerpts From The Writings Of The Last Generation