Psychological Counseling at the Time of Crisis

This crisis will go on for years. It will not end. It will be followed by others. The financial crisis is now passing on to an economic one, which means that plants and factories will be closing. This current level will continue dropping and disillusionment will be growing. It will then be followed by hunger (moderate), various climatic problems, and so on. All of this will press on man and on his attempts to retain the same living standard or confidence in the future. We will come to a situation of no confidence in the future.

People’s problems will be growing. Have no doubt: we’ll have plenty of work. In my opinion, psychologists will be busy for hundreds of years. The fact is that I see no other way but to explain to people (perhaps through television) how man and nature are designed. That is the way we are and people are trying to be different. It won’t work, one can’t go against nature. People need to understand where they can find happiness and satisfaction. They shouldn’t let the society push them around with its illusory goals and force people to achieve them.

I think that a good, thought-out course based on simple explanation (not on moralizing) of man’s physiology, psychology, and perception of the world will be a success. It will explain how we can or can’t find satisfaction and why we can’t be filled egoistically. You will see within the next few years how necessary it will be for people as an answer to their increasing problems.

Problems will be growing from month to month. You still don’t feel it, but a wave of suicides will come and leave many families in a very sad state. We only see the beginning of this wave now.

This post is an excerpt from a larger article found at