Being Rich Doesn’t Mean Having An Idea What’s Going On

Bill Gates believes it could take several more years for the economy to fully rebound from the great recession, which many economists say began in earnest in late 2008 with the collapse of Lehman Bros and other investment houses.

Gates said he talked to co-trustee Warren Buffett “more than ever” during the past year to gain a better understanding of the financial meltdown.

Let them talk to each other as long as they want.

In reality, people are already guessing that the crisis is not in finance, but in the need to change our general attitude toward life, ourselves, the world, and Nature. The problem is that we understand that we need to change, but we don’t know how and what to change, and we won’t find these things out by ourselves. We will keep receiving blows, but we won’t know how to evade them correctly.

Nature demands that we rise to the “human” level, which is a level we know nothing about because its qualities are opposite to our current level.

The Real Crisis Is Not In Finance, But In Our Attitudes