The Whole World Is Your Neighbor

Question: In the article “Gift of Torah,” we learned that the neighbor is the one who goes with us on the same path. Now you are saying that the whole world is a neighbor.  Does that mean the world has changed so everyone for me is a neighbor?

Today we talked that there is a group which in comparison with the whole world is like Abraham in comparison with Babylon. If the world currently did not feel the universal suffering, this global crisis that requires the entire world to unite, if people were not in such a state, we would not be  disseminating  the science of Kabbalah to them and would not have any relationship with them. What could you offer them? In that case, we all would continue working together in a group as it was throughout history.

For thousands of years we were in a group. We have studied  Kabbalah for thousands of years and haven’t left the group. Since the world has become global, which itself has become such a group and requires a remedy, otherwise it would be in crisis, you should bring the methodology of correction into the world.

If in ancient Babylon people didn’t find out that there is a mountain,  the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages challenging them – when people no longer understand each other but found that they are all linked together – if it had not revealed through the global crisis, as it is nowadays, would Abraham’s actions have been possible?  He would fail to disclose the science of Kabbalah, but would continue dealing with idols. Why is it bad? He wouldn’t have been able to reveal his desire.

However, he did reveal a desire (because of the suffering neighbor!), and he broke his idols and began to disclose  the science of Kabbalah. As a result, he grew himself. For the same reason, the science of Kabbalah should be disclosed now – only because of the suffering of society! Society defines the development of the science of Kabbalah.

As Baal Sulam said: “A generation is yet unworthy,” or “We are in the generation of the Messiah,” or “There weren’t  such conditions in previous generations.”  It is the generation that determines the conditions.

They can shout at us whatever they like because we are disseminating the science of Kabbalah, but in fact society’s conditions are asking for such a thing. A year or two could pass by and they will realize that our times determine everything. There isn’t our desire.

This post is an excerpt translated from a larger article found at