How to Become an Integral Part of a Whole and Not Lose Yourself?

When a person is told that we should all unite into a single organism, into one body, he immediately worries: «So, my individuality will be lost? Where would my “I” go? My personality will no longer exist?» He doesn’t understand that through this association, he won’t be lost, but instead find himself.

But very soon that issue will disappear, because we will become exhausted by relentless miseries that push a person so he will want to connect with the rest, if only to get rid of the suffering – if only to escape from a daily headache and not think with horror about what might happen tomorrow.

There are such catastrophic changes in America that people who have travelled for a month, come back and can’t recognize the country. A person may sell a wedding ring in order to fill the car with gas – but otherwise he can’t work. Earlier this fall it wasn’t as noticeable but today a simple American lives like a small frightened animal hiding in his place. This is the general feeling.

In such a situation there is no longer a question or fear of losing himself in the general body.  Everyone would be happy to become a hare, which dances and sings along with others: «And we are cool, we are not afraid of a wolf and an owl!» – anything to not feel the terrible fear of the future.

For this a man will drop everything – his personal pride and his assets. He will want socialism, where everyone possesses the same thing, only to emerge from that terrible crisis. He won’t have a choice.

And then he will understand that this must be done not only out of fear … as the saying goes: «At first by pressure and then at his own request». But there is no choice. A man should start with the fact that he feels bad. And then he would say: «It doesn’t matter if I am rich or not! I want to cleave to this lofty power, to the highest divine value – because it belongs to the Creator ». After all, he starts to receive the light and sees that this state is ideal, it is above all his beliefs and standards of good and evil.

We need to learn what «global world» means. It obliges us to unite and establish a new relationship between us: in the workplace, on the streets, everywhere. It’s not necessary to explain in detail, because this thing is coming from the heart of man. If a man is afraid that otherwise he would feel bad, he will treat another person with caution.

All people eventually need to rise to the level of «Man». As it is written: «And everyone discovers me, from small to large ones». There is no soul which would, to some extent, deliberately not participate in the general relationship between the souls. In the state of final corrections we, without exception, will feel ourselves bound with all the rest. Everyone should participate in this connection with the others and reveal through them the vitality of the general body, which is called the Creator.

This post is an excerpt translated from a larger article found at