You’ll Live With Me ’cause You Left Me No Choice

Just a quote:

“I can only describe it as there was a sense of separation from everybody and everything. I didn’t feel like I was part of my family, even though they were a loving family—they provided for and took care of and you know, tried to teach me the rules of life, so to speak—but I totally felt apart from them, and then, throughout any socialization process, I couldn’t connect so I needed to come up with something.

The only thing, the only solution I found that worked was alcohol, drugs; fell into that kind of thing in my teenage years and lost focus of career and anything like that. I lost relationships with my family; I lost opportunities, friends, you know, they said, “No, you’re just a little out of control.”

I just didn’t want to be here anymore. It was too painful to live so there was a choice to make, and I really didn’t make it. I just said I want to live, that was my choice really.”

Stay tuned. To be continued.


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