I Can See Inside You, the Sickness is Rising

If we want to understand the phenomena that unfold in our world, we must first understand their origin. If we honestly examine reality, we will have to admit that we have no idea why events in our world unfold as they do. This uncertainty applies to any phenomenon: the weather, our mood, health and sickness, an incidental encounter with a voice from the past, or the outbreak of wars.

Once something has gone wrong, we can find a thousand reasons for it, depending on our imaginative creativity. There are always explanations: “I’m sick today because yesterday I didn’t dress warmly when I got out of the shower.” This coach can’t take decisions in the critical moments, which is why we’re losing. But at the end of the day, these are only excuses.

The wisdom of Kabbalah studies the source of all phenomena. Rather than treating reality as a collection of incidents, it describes the events in this world according to the absolute laws of nature, laws that are hidden from an ordinary person.


Courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAmuzdGYGlo