I Want to Run I Want to Hide I Want to Tear Down the Walls

There is no wall separating our world from the unearthly, spiritual world, yet I want to run to find another world. But the fact that the spiritual world is, according to its properties, an anti-world, places it so much beyond our perception that, after we are born in our world, i.e. acquire its nature, we completely forget all about our past anti-condition. Naturally, the only way for man to perceive this anti-world is by acquiring its nature, its reason, its qualities. How and in what must we change our nature to the opposite one?

The basic law of the spiritual world is absolute altruism. How can man acquire this quality? Kabbalists suggest that we make a transformation within ourselves. It is only this inner act that enables man to perceive the spiritual world and start living in both worlds simultaneously. This act is called “faith above reason”.


Courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQxl9EI9YBg