Beyond the Limit of Your Imagination

Spiritual existence is called that which is never ever lost. Thus, the (selfish) desire to receive as it exists in its form in which it is found only to receive (for itself alone) is called material existence, since it will be lost from this form, and will receive a form of only to bestow. The actual reality in spiritual existence – is called a real place for the reason that anyone who comes there, i.e., to that spiritual place sees the same form as someone else would too. On the other hand, something born of the imagination is not called a real place- since, as it is a fantasy everyone imagines it differently to himself.

That which we say that there are seventy faces to the upper spiritual worlds means that they are 70 levels-planes. And, in each level the spiritual existence is explained in accordance with the level in which the person is to be found. However, the meaning of a world is it’s reality, namely that anyone who comes to one of the planes of the 70 planes of that particular world apprehends it in the same form (level of reality) as all of those that come to there.


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