It’s A World of Laughter, A World of Tears

Many people are beginning to aspire for something they previously did not aspire for. They understand that a spiritual component is necessary in our world and that life does not have any meaning without it. Of course, people have to earn money, live and somehow exist normally in this world, but generally something is still missing in the world. And these people are beginning to feel this.

Moreover, we are referring to people who are and always were very far away from the spiritual, such as bankers, businessmen and politicians. These people are very tough, very sober-minded and they think very sensibly. But they are suddenly seeing that the most important thing is somehow passing them by. It is not that they plan to leave their business, but they are simply beginning to feel this. They do not understand this yet, but in principle they are beginning to feel that what happens in this world has to somehow merge, coincide and connect with something slightly higher, some kind of spirit that’s above this world.